Check out our Roof Vent certifications:
Not all Roof Vents are created equal!

To see our certificates and links to UL’s website, click here.

At AVP, we go to great lengths to ensure we make the best roof vents. Our vents are tested to meet several certifications.

Each organization has its own standards, tests, and rules. Our products often exceed the existing standards. Below are links to several agencies that have tested and certified our products.

These certifications show the specific details of what each agency has certified, and for which of our products. Above all, our products provide the ventilation your home needs. 

Currently, the vents that we have tested and certified by UL are our Aura VentsKeepa VentsPop VentsRound Back Vents, and Universal Vent series. To learn a bit more, check out our article and linked press release.

In the UL Testing Lab with

AVP President Martin Kolt and his son in the UL facility
AVP President Martin Kolt and his son in the UL facility where the Pop, Aura, Keepa, Round Back, and Universal Vents were certified.

Finding Active Ventilation Certifications

Underwriters Laboratory

UL recently changed the layout of their website, and removed the accessible “Online Certifications Directory”. In its place, they created a new website they call UL Product iQ. Create an account to access the information available through the Certifications Directory. Then, once you log in, there is a search in the middle of the page. Search for “Active Ventilation Products”. Then you'll see the three documents for our product lines at the top of the search. If you have more questions about our certifications, you can call us (1-800-ROOFVENT)  or email us at [email protected].

From The Underwriter’s Laboratory website:
UL helps companies demonstrate safety, confirm compliance, enhance sustainability, manage transparency. As well as deliver quality and performance, strengthen security, protect brand reputation. And even build workplace excellence, and advance societal wellbeing. Some of the services offered by UL include inspection, advisory services, education, and training. As well as testing, auditing and analytics, certification software solutions, and marketing claim verification.

Florida DBPR

The State of Florida endures some of the most extreme weather conditions when a hurricane moves through. The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation has some of the strictest requirements for roof vents in the country.

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