Feedback From Florida
Are your roof vents leaking? Say no more to leaky roof vents! Our Aura Ventilators Survived 4 Hurricanes, Leaving No Rain in The Attic
In the late summer of 2004, Florida was hit by 4 major hurricanes – in the span of only six weeks! Hurricane Charley, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne all strengthened as either category 3 or 4. This means the wind speeds were between 111-156 mph. Typically, that is a perfect recipe for leaking water into the attic space and damaging roofing materials.
But that isn’t the case with our Aura roof vents! Our vents not only survived these 4 hurricanes, but a customer was happy to find that there was no rain entering the attic at all. Here is Laura’s testimonial and photo:
“We installed them in February 2004. It was during the summer of that year that Florida was hit by 4 major hurricanes: Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne, not to mention torrential rains in between hurricanes. Not only did the roof and the vents hold up really well, but we did not get any rain inside the attic at all.
Once again, I am happy you are still in business selling this great product!”
– Laura, from Florida

We back up these testimonials with our UL certifications and wind pressure testing. Our Aura Vents, Round Back Vents, Pop Vents, Keepa Vents, and Universal Vents have UL certifications. They're tested to wind pressures of 50+ PSF, equivalent to over 200 mph wind speeds! These vents also exhaust air passively, so there’s no need to worry about moving parts that need replacement or repairs after wear and tear. Roof vents leaking will no longer be a problem with Active Ventilation Products!
Want to see another hurricane testimonial? Check out this other success story of another customer in Florida who has our Round Back Vents, and saw ZERO leaks after Hurricane Hermine! Round Back Roof Vents Survive Hurricane