The Elevator Shaft Ventilator

  • Gravity Relief and Intake Vent




     The vent shown in the image features a PV-24-C6 ($307.00) a large Pop Vent.

    • 5000 CFM Throat Capacity at .25 SP Gravity

    • All Aluminum Construction

    • Louver Design for Better Performance

    • Additional Sizes Available






     According to code, elevator shafts (hoistways) meeting certain requirements must be adequately ventilated. Our Elevator Vent is an economical, easily installed solution for any elevator shaft or machine room application.

    With advanced design, superior CFM performance, all-aluminum construction and a variety of sizes available, AVP’s Elevator Vent is your first choice.

  • 3003.1.4 Venting:

    The machine room ventilation should connect to the standby power source.


    3004.1 Vents required.

    Hoistways of elevators and dumbwaiters penetrating more than three stories shall provide ventilation in case of fire.

    1. In occupancies other than Groups R-1, R-2,1-1,1-2, venting of hoistways is not a requirement. This is if the building is equipped with an
    approved automatic sprinkler system; installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2.

    2. Sidewalk elevator hoistways are not required to be vented.

    3004.2 Location of vents.

    Vents should be located at the top of the hoistway. In addition, they need to be open directly to the outside or through noncombustible ducts. Noncombustible ducts should be permitted to pass through the elevator machine room. Provided that portions of the ducts are enclosed by construction having not less than the fire protection rating required. Holes in the machine room floors should not be greater than 2 inches. To clarify, these holes would be for the passage of ropes, cables or other moving elevator equipment.

  • 3004.3 Area of vents.

    Except as provided for in Section 3004.3.1, the area of the vents shall not be less than 3.5% of the area of the hoistway nor less than 3 square feet (0.28 m2) for each elevator car, and not less than 3.5% nor less than 0.5 square feet (0.047 m2) for each dumbwaiter car in the hoistway, whichever is greater. Of the total required vent area, not less than one-third shall be permanently open. Closed portions of the required vent area shall consist of openings glazed with plain glass not greater than 0.125 inches.


    The total required vent area is not required to be permanently open where all the vent openings automatically open; upon detection of smoke in the elevator lobbies or hoistway, upon failure, and upon activation of a manual override control.

  • 3004.3.1 Reduced vent area.

    Where mechanical ventilation conforming to the International Mechanical Code is provided, a reduction in the required vent area is allowed provided that all of the following conditions are met:

    1. The occupancy is not in Group R-1, R-2, 1-1 or 1-2 or of a similar occupancy with overnight sleeping quarters.

    2. Vents required by Section 3004.2 do not have outside exposure.

    3. The hoistway does not extend to the top of the building.

    4. The hoistway and machine room exhaust fan is automatically reactivated by thermostatic means.

    5. Equivalent venting of the hoistway is accomplished.